Interesting comment I heard today where a person was saying how she worked overtime one day and then another person commented on how at least she made more money. The lady then responded by saying she wasn’t really making any money as the income goes directly to paying a bill.
Kind of a dangerous way of looking at it I thought as essentially in her view it was almost as if she was constantly working off a debt of some sort. In essence, she wasn’t really getting any money at the end as she was working to satisfy others.
In my opinion, cash flow is just like a river and it’s really your choice as to how you want to distribute it. Example, even if you only made $10 a month with two $5 bills you have to pay, there are so many ways to go at it.
You can just say it goes towards paying the bills and that’s it. At the same time, you can use tools that are available to you such as a credit card in a responsible fashion to allow you to do something with that $10 for another 30 days to make more money. Like most things though, it does come to attitude and perspective. Cause at the end of the day, it’s something that you control and not the other way around.