food budget
Financial Management

Dining Out As An Entertainment Budget Instead of Pure Food

This was an interesting comment the other day where a person asked to meet up to discuss about a potential project. It was suggested that we meet at a restaurant. He then made a comment how he will take out the order and we can talk somewhere outside as he felt I usually do the

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Financial Management

Preparing For The Welfare Food Challenge

Alright, I am officially going to try this $21 food budget for the week challenge. This is going to be an interesting experience for me as initially I don’t think it will be too hard financially as I normally try to shop for the best deals. However, there is a lot that I don’t know

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General Thoughts and Fun Topics

Health Before Wealth

I was watching an interesting documentary today of a person who was expressing how he thought he had everything backwards in life where he was so focused in making money and that his personal health was usually at the bottom of his list. He would always invest a lot of money into making more money

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