debt free
Financial Management

Is An Extra $200 A Month All You Need To Be Debt Free

So I was reading this article today that talked about how most people in Canada on average are about $200 short a month from being able to fully pay off their bills to debt free. While that doesn’t sound like it is too much in the big picture, it made me think if $200 extra

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Financial Management

Limiting Your Spending or Not Even If You Can Afford It

This week I made rather large purchases which is definitely not my regular spending pattern. This is a result of buying items like new furniture. While they weren’t necessary per se, I decided that since I worked very hard last week on a project and earned a lot from it that I would get some

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Financial Management

Paying All The Bills At Once

One of the habits I have in terms of paying bills which I find helps to keep me organize is that I usually try and pay for everything on the same day when possible. For example, I would often get things like my monthly cell phone bill along with other things. Since I usually have

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Financial Management

Holidays Are No Reason To Fall Off The Financial Wagon

I always pay my credit card bills in full and every December whenever I get my statement there is this offer from the credit card company. Essentially, the offer indicates that the company recognizes that this is the shopping season where people tend to spend more than usual. As a result, they offer people a

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Financial Management

Living Life Debt Free VS Progressing With Credit

Kind of a neat topic this was that I heard of today. Essentially there were two polar opposites of the way one views finances and success in life where the debate revolved around what one has to show for their successes financially. In one corner you have the person that doesn’t have any debt such

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